Reasons I run and things I’ve learned while
I will get up freakishly early for only four things: 1) a
long run with my running buddy 2) race
day 3) Army 4) to catch a flight
I love to run
I don’t like to stop running during a route but especially
during a race
My phrases at stoplights are “Go!” and “We can make it!”
Cat-calls and car honks are juvenile. Stop it.
Time to think and pray
Stress relief
Torch those calories
The wind is a friend bringing coolness or a pick-me-up from
Suck it up
New running shoes are spectacular
I need turns, none of this 40-mile straight-shot stuff
Easy 3
If the 20-miler goes well, I’m in for a hellava ride come
race day
Crossing the finish line will never get old
Trust your training
Gu suddenly tastes amazing
Don’t skip the long run
A great running buddy is very rare; Thank God I found mine
If someone passes you looking like a gazelle, they are
definitely on mile 2
Just finish
I need a sign above my head flashing how many miles I’ve
already run
Eating fruit during a race is awesome
True friends run with you when you think you can’t go any
Hitting “the wall” is basically inevitable; I’ve only not
hit it once
Long runs forge friendships
Hearing “I would run…” or “Run for me!” is funny yet sad
You can run a marathon; you have to decide if you want to
put in the time and effort or you could pray to God that your athleticism
doesn’t fail you
There are four types of fellow runners I pass by: 1) don’t bother me, I’m in the zone 2) don’t bother me, I hurtin’ 3) don’t even bother, I’m not going to pay
attention to you 4) Oh, you said hello and I will say hello back
I run whenever -- sunshine, rain, snow, ice, storms,
4-mile loops are great
Say “I ran ___ miles” not “I just ran ___ miles” because
there’s a big difference to people
After 3 to 4 miles, I’m good to go
For the most part, run it out
Listen to your body
Smile, wave, and say hello to people when you pass by -- it
sometimes confuses them
Rest is actually very important
Half marathons are more enjoyable
Casualties like losing a toenail, chafing, or blisters are
things you’ve signing up for
Injuries are the bane of my existence
The wind, as resistance, kills
Engage your core
You can walk out your front door and go
Night runs
Sometimes it’s best to not look at your watch
Chocolate milk after a run is bliss
Idiots will throw things at you
You meet some cool people in races
You see some crazies on race day
You overhear funny stuff during races
Running with people comes and goes but my running buddy is a
It’s okay to stop
Do not do something out of the ordinary like Zumba on the
week of the race
Thank the people who cheer on race days; you need them
Shanghai your friends into coming to cheer you on
My foam roller has become a new best friend
I spit a lot
I think it would be incredible to qualify for Boston
Smile and enjoy the scenery and good weather
I will laugh at you without guilt if you’re running outside
at the hottest time of day
I seriously dislike treadmills
Cold/Cool weather is the best
Time to think
Me time
Being healthy
Breathe in with your nose and out with your mouth
My shirt becomes a giant snot rag; I am not ashamed
Do not touch me after a race or super long run; I am
Being active
Running before a storm is a fav
Good conversations
Running because others can’t; I am fortunate and grateful
Pooping before a race is a good sign
The finisher medals keep getting bigger
Not giving you a finishers shirt should be a crime
Being outside
Hearing people say, “Why are you running so fast? No one is chasing you!” or the like is funny
The signs people make for races are quite humorous sometimes
Never do I ever want to hear “you’re almost done” or a
phrase to that effect when I’m running a marathon of 26.2 miles and I’m on any
mile but 26.1
You need support
Alimentos es muy importante
I need someone to talk with me to take my mind off what
More people should cheer between miles 20 and 26
Each race and run is different
It is a passion to enjoy and cultivate and to share and
encourage others in
I was told that you either love or hate marathons. I love them.
I caught the bug a few years ago, and I don’t know when it will
leave. I built my way up to them, so I haven’t
always run or run long distance and have completed 5 so far. At the end of almost every one, I think that
it’s possible the last. They may become
fewer and farther between until their non-existent, mainly due to the time it
takes to train, but for now I’ll keep going.
Even if marathon running ends, I will not stop running for all the
reasons and lessons learned listed above and more.