Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Forgiveness is a Miracle

Forgiveness.  It’s liberating and necessary and difficult.  It’s a miracle.

So many emotions and thoughts run through my head and my heart and all at one time it seems!  Depending on the situation and/or the people involved, getting to the point of true forgiveness is a long, hard road filled with navigating or redirecting and processing.   

Working through a hard situation or dealing with a person who’s less than rainbows and butterflies all the time is going to happen.  How important the event or person is in my life (i.e. how important I’ve made them in my mind and in my life) indicates how much time and effort or, rather, how much of a drain on my emotions it will take to make things right or be at peace with the circumstances.  Honestly, I wish I could shake things off like a wet dog and be done with it in a split second, but that’s not going to happen.  It will take time, work, and a miracle.

Even if my emotions take a toll and who knows what all else, if I cling to God and truly forgive, I’ll come out stronger in the end.  Especially if I learn from what transpired and do not return to the same unhealthy pattern, relationship, place, etc.  I want to forgive and move on yet be wise and be proactive by setting healthy boundaries for the future.

Thank goodness for other people to help carry our burdens, to be wise counselors, and to be great sounding boards.  More so, thank goodness for God, for His Word renewing my mind, and for who He is repairing my heart.  I would not be able to forgive myself or others without Him. 

I sometimes write poems or little rhymes to get my thoughts out or to be cute.  Enjoy my latest and know that, ultimately, we need to be forgiven and we need to forgive others, and it comes from God.




Good bye
Good riddance




Grasping to understand
Amidst the pain
The why
The good that can come
From the surface so terrible

Strong enough to confront
The sin inside
That needs God’s bright light
Making the hard path visible

Forgiveness is the answer
Not blame or shame
Through God
To weather life’s storm
Keeping fragile lives livable

Forgiveness is a miracle

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