Friday, June 24, 2016

God's Provision

Life's new adventure in South Dakota has given me so many reasons to be thankful and to give God praise!  I wasn't sure what life would look like as a travel RD but I have absolutely no doubt that I'm right where God wants me.

Having that peace is wonderful since doubt can and will creep in.  While chatting on the phone with a Texas friend (hint, hint), I was talking about missing people, trying to stay in touch, making new friends and then leaving for the assignment, having a life in Texas and then leaving for a time, etc. and all the effort that it takes to stay in touch, to build a life and make friends in a new place, etc. ...yet still having peace in knowing that God's got me and that I'm where He wants me and doing what He wants me to do.

I'll start with the people I've met since people are the most important.  I mean, it's definitely forged relationships that last no matter time or distance.  I'm only closing on my third week here but know I have a life-long friend in a co-worker.  We just get along so well!  It's like we've been friends for ages.  I mentioned one day that we must have been twins in another life; She said it was like the Lindsay Lohan (before she went crazy) movie "The Parent Trap" and we were discovering our twin for the first time.  Yeah, it's like that.  She thinks I'm pretty great, which is sweet and gives me the warm fuzzies, but I think she's the best!!  She's smart, beautiful, freakin' hilarious, sassy, and absolutely adorable.  {Guys, she's taken.}  She's helped me out around the hospital and she's down to do fun stuff outside of work like go with me to swim aerobics or yoga.  We can have a serious conversation, going deep, one minute and then make each other laugh hard the next because we just get each other what with our funny voices, facial expressions, and verbiage.  Our supervisor heard us talking and laughing one day through the wall, so when we asked if we could go to a conference together she teasingly asked if we'd actually go and pay attention in the sessions or if we'd just giggle.  No promises :)  But seriously, there are only a handful of people I've met with whom I immediately hit it off to this level, and I love it.  Truly grateful. 

Although, I favor this co-worker there are, of course, others I enjoy too.  There's an equally beautiful, smart, and nice co-worker who I've had the pleasure of going hiking with and going to church with within the first week of coming to town.  She also kindly and seriously told me if I needed anything to just let her know.  I anticipate more sushi dinners, hikes, and general good times ahead with her!  Another co-worker I feel just needs someone to talk to, so I listen.  She's also been an incredible resource for learning the ropes of the hospital's charting/ordering system that I knew nothing of before arriving.  I'm look forward to getting to know the newest employee, who's already stated that she wishes I would be staying.  Finally, my supervisor is an amazing clinician so I am beyond grateful and excited to be able to learn from her.  Just today, she gave me some great feedback on a medical note and I got to observe her placing a naso-gastric tube into the small intestines for tube feedings.  It was so cool, "my excitement for the day!"  She has gone through a lot professionally and personally recently so it's nice to come, even for a short time, and help alleviate some of the heavy workload. 

That's one thing I really like about this gig.  I feel like I'm helping them out by coming on board when they need the help most, yet they are most definitely helping me be a better, more well-rounded, and learned RD as well as helping me grow and shine as a young lady.

Those are the new SD people I've had the opportunity to have influence me but it's been fun to see who I get to talk to each day whom I already know.  It's been crazy but so great to get a text or call from someone randomly or for me to contact someone if they pop into my mind.  Every single day since being on the assignment I've talked on the phone or texted a family member or friend.  It's nice to be loved and to be able to share life, ask questions, get advice, receive encouragement, shoot the breeze, plan a future trip, whatever! with others even if they're not physically close.

Other things I've seen God's provision for or with are somewhat small things but, in the end, can make a big impact.  One such thing is just being able to relax and slow down.  I was happily busy every night in Texas by my own doing.  Up here I'm basically forced to take things easy, for more than one reason.  I've made myself a bedtime and a work schedule for the day and stick to it as best I can, so there's that.  I don't know as many people or things to do here right now so turn in early, it seems, because of those factors.  Plus, I have a books I want to read, I have movies within my reach to watch (I've watched more movies in the past few weeks than I have in years!), I have blog posts to write, and I have a dog park nearby to walk around to make new, cute, furry friends.

Beyond that, I've hurt my knee and want to give myself the best chance of a full recovery (It's probably 50-50 so prayers appreciated!), and I'm not the best at resting so...  I'm glad I'm able to still bike to work for some easy exercise and a great way to start the day :), I'm glad I have free access to the rehab gym at work, and I'm glad I decided to find a swim aerobics class before the knee injury was finalized because I know I can exercise in that way.  Besides, the older ladies who attend class are nice, spunky, and funny!

Lastly, having the time and means to go explore on the weekends is incredible!  I'm sure I'll be back this way one day but, for now, I'm taking advantage.  I plan on going spelunking, going hiking, going to Mt. Rushmore, going to Yellowstone, and much more!

These are just some things that demonstrate God's provision in my life and I'm looking forward to discovering more and going deeper in the ones I see now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Off In My Own Little World

You know when you creep out of your own little world, you get a taste or sometimes you get pulverized with all that's going wrong in the world -- all the mess, all the heart-ache, and all the disgust.  Of course, I'm referring to the recent national news of the Stanford rapist and the Orlando shooting.  Acts like these bring all sorts of emotions out, like anger, sadness, resentment, indignation, disbelief, lethargy, shock... 

I'm not going to talk about the views I've seen plastered all over social media.  I almost don't want to talk about this at all, go back to my life, and just see it "go away" possibly when the next big thing sweeps across the headlines.  But I won't.  I will, however, only touch on what little I know, which is my limited and personal point of view.  You've been warned.

Acts like the ones that have recently disrupted our world are atrocious, to say the very, very least.  I don't care who commits them, who the victims are, how it could have been stopped, how it should have never happened, etc.  Blame can be placed on individuals, groups, society as a whole.  Blame-placing will get us nowhere.  Sin is the problem.  Not crying out to and believing in God is the problem. 

For me, despite being pretty much clueless when it comes to the news or things going on in the world (one of my many flaws or acts of stupidity), the Orlando shooting caught my attention.  After my initial "oh my gosh" reaction, I immediately thought of the soul's of those who lost their lives.  With bits of a sermon I had just heard in my head, I thought, will they be in heaven or hell?

The warm-fuzzy feeling is that they went to heaven, yet only the God of the Bible knows that answer.  Were they ready?  Are the people I'm around ready? 

That shooting could have happened anywhere, killing many innocent people.  That should be pretty hallowing and get us out of our day-to-day, self-consuming, little world, of which I am the worst offender.  The world is bigger than just mine, and my small world is not that important in the grand scheme of things.  I still want to be and do the best God has for me; I know He has a plan and it is good.  He's placed me where I am at the right time, and He's given me people in my life, whether near or far or past or present, at the right time. 

I hope to not take life for granted.  I hope to reach out to those hurting.  I hope to learn from tragedy's because they will not go away until Christ comes again and makes all things new. 

In the meantime, I hope to play my part in the bigger picture and get out of "my world" more often.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


I didn't know what to expect of people up here in South Dakota.  I honestly thought they'd be a bit gruff and not that friendly like in places on either Coast.  Thank goodness I was wrong!  Very wrong.

The South Dakotans are THE nicest people!  I mean, I thought southerners like Texans and Oklahomans were nice, and, truly they are, but the South Dakotans are getting my label as the nicest people for sure right now.

I realize it depends on who you come into contact with, like any place.  A fellow co-worker had the opposite thinking -- that people weren't that nice in SD, so there ya go...  Yet, my experience has been incredibly positive and that's what I'm basing the bestowal of my "nice" award.

Several people here have made friendly teases -- I was running along a 1-mile long loop and a gentleman called out, "You can't lap me!" to which I said after laughing, "Doin' it!"

Several people have made friendly conversations -- literally met this woman for 2 seconds asking her to let me into the workout room and we ended up chatting it up for a good 20 minutes about working out, South Dakota, things to do here, not missing out on Sturgis Bike Week, etc.  She was so bubbly and sweet!

Several people have taken me in -- coworkers know I know absolutely no one and nothing about the city so they've offered to do fun things with me or to let me tag along!  I  just went hiking with one today, who said if I needed anything at all to let her know (I know she really meant it), and am going to do yoga with another tomorrow :)

My Supervisor and her husband are allowing me to stay in their trailer and have made sure I have everything I need, while I'm just trying to not be a bother...

My co-worker has been so gracious to answer all my random questions and she still wants to go to Devil's Tower with me! -- I asked her where to get my car oil changed, where there's a pool, things to do, where to workout, where to get a massage ... it's quite a sporadic list and she's nicely answered them all.

From my limited time in the hospital, the nurses and doctors seem nice and that they do a good job for the patients.  I mean, a doctor spoke to me twice already AND knew that I was a Dietitian and what the heck I did (never happened at my last facility), so that's super refreshing.

Obviously, South Dakotans get the "nice" award as a group and some of those individuals I've encountered have come close to getting my "nice" award for an individual.  Maybe with more time they can snag it!

However, that individual award would have to go to one of my guy friends from Texas.  Several come to mind and they are THE nicest guys!  You know, the well-mannered, well-wishing, accommodating, warm-your-heart pleasant, and most helpful kind of guy.  One has lent me countless tools to finish my DIY projects and gave me little things at work like popcorn.  Another gave me a heater so I wouldn't freeze in my new apartment, gave me tickets to the Colonial, and sincerely wants to know how I'm doing.  The third gave me good music recommendations, introduced me to a running group, and just communicates well.  So, yes, he actually responds to your text with whether he can go to the event you invited him to or not or gets back to you explaining why it took so long to reply.  Isn't it crazy that that's not the norm these days?!

Now, I expect people to be nice and to do all those things that these two friends do and have done.  High expectations.  It's just unbelievably appalling that more people are not truly, genuinely nice, not wanting anything in return. 

Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of nice people.  Many I take for granted.  It's just that those gents stand out because they are that genuine "nice" all the time that I've known and been around them.  I'm also not the only one who thinks such things, which only strengthens the argument. 

Maybe I also like them and the South Dakotans so much because I strive to be that way; they are an excellent example of how I want and hope to come across.  Of course, I know I can by no means be that nice without God.  May I always be as nice: sincere, kind, delightful, helpful, friendly, gracious, and more!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Free as a Bird

Life is crazy fun right now, and I love it!  I'm stepping out into a new life adventure with my career by becoming a travel RD :)  There are a plethora of emotions, yet I'm nervous because things are somewhat unknown and I don't know how it will all go as I leave everything that's familiar.  Praise God that I adapt to change pretty well.  Then there's the fact that I'm obviously excited, because the job is something new and I think I'm going to like it a lot!  If nothing else, it will stretch me and make me better. 
Why be a travel RD?
I think above all reasons it's the timing.  I'm literally free as a bird!  The only thing holding me back would be myself.  I'm not married, I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, I don't have kids, I don't have a house, and I don't even have a pet (much to the astonishment of one of the Techs of the hospital I used to work for, ha!)!  It's just me and God, and He's got me.
"So, we're just going to become friends and then you're going to leave?" 
The surface level answer is yes; The underlying, important answer is, of course, no.  That all went down when I told a new friend about my new job.  Not to worry, I'll be back in town in three months time because I hope to make the city I currently live in my home-base for stability and to still see family and friends.
I definitely plan on seeing that friend again when I'm back in town but, like any friend, keeping tabs on each other while I'm gone would be nice.  If each of us makes an effort to keep the friendship then there's no doubt but, even still, it's okay.  I say that for different reasons.  One being that I feel as though you meet people for a reason whether small, like watching a basketball game together to cheer on your team or profound, like sharing your life story with someone when you first meet.  Maybe they're supposed to tell you something at just the right time when you are receptive.  A good example of this is when a guy told me, flat out, not to run at night for safety reasons and you know what?  I now drive somewhere where it is very safe if I want to run at night.  My family has suggested not to run at night to me before but when he said it, it just clicked.  An excellent example of meeting someone at the right moment – – and God's timing – – is when I was in Oslo.  I had actually messed up some scheduling and had to make other arrangements.  I knew absolutely no one and was starting to feel a little lonely, yet the next girl who checked into the hostel literally right after me was awesome.  We hit it off and had the most amazing day exploring the city together followed by an epic, last-minute concert!  So, no matter the amount of time I have somewhere, I try to make the most of it by doing fun things and inviting people along with for the ride!  No matter the amount of time I have with someone else, I want to make a positive impression because you never know what could come of it.
Why not go for it? 
I don't know what's going to unfold in the next day, month, year...  But I'm ready!  I'm in a healthy state in all aspects and am confident.  Who knows?! Maybe...
I'll love it.
I'll find where I want to live next or realize that I should stay in Texas.
I'll find that I don't like it and move onto the next thing.
a guy will pull hard on my heartstrings... and something will come of it.
I will get that pet. 
I'll do all sorts of awesomeness all over the States. 
my professional skills will go through the roof.
I'll make a lot of new friends and keep old ones close. 
my Faith in God will become stronger. 
Fearless. Free. Humble. Excited. Blessed. Loved. Adventurous. Peaceful.
Living the abundant life God has given me :)