You know when you creep out of your own little world, you get a taste or sometimes you get pulverized with all that's going wrong in the world -- all the mess, all the heart-ache, and all the disgust. Of course, I'm referring to the recent national news of the Stanford rapist and the Orlando shooting. Acts like these bring all sorts of emotions out, like anger, sadness, resentment, indignation, disbelief, lethargy, shock...
I'm not going to talk about the views I've seen plastered all over social media. I almost don't want to talk about this at all, go back to my life, and just see it "go away" possibly when the next big thing sweeps across the headlines. But I won't. I will, however, only touch on what little I know, which is my limited and personal point of view. You've been warned.
Acts like the ones that have recently disrupted our world are atrocious, to say the very, very least. I don't care who commits them, who the victims are, how it could have been stopped, how it should have never happened, etc. Blame can be placed on individuals, groups, society as a whole. Blame-placing will get us nowhere. Sin is the problem. Not crying out to and believing in God is the problem.
For me, despite being pretty much clueless when it comes to the news or things going on in the world (one of my many flaws or acts of stupidity), the Orlando shooting caught my attention. After my initial "oh my gosh" reaction, I immediately thought of the soul's of those who lost their lives. With bits of a sermon I had just heard in my head, I thought, will they be in heaven or hell?
The warm-fuzzy feeling is that they went to heaven, yet only the God of the Bible knows that answer. Were they ready? Are the people I'm around ready?
That shooting could have happened anywhere, killing many innocent people. That should be pretty hallowing and get us out of our day-to-day, self-consuming, little world, of which I am the worst offender. The world is bigger than just mine, and my small world is not that important in the grand scheme of things. I still want to be and do the best God has for me; I know He has a plan and it is good. He's placed me where I am at the right time, and He's given me people in my life, whether near or far or past or present, at the right time.
I hope to not take life for granted. I hope to reach out to those hurting. I hope to learn from tragedy's because they will not go away until Christ comes again and makes all things new.
In the meantime, I hope to play my part in the bigger picture and get out of "my world" more often.
Standing up and cheering! You go Baby Girl!