Saturday, May 21, 2016


I have some of the best aunts! I realized this while enjoying their company, and the company of the rest of my family, last Christmas.  Each one is amazing and brings a different perspective for me to glean from.  Not only that, they have raised some pretty great kids, whom I enjoy and am proud to call my cousins, and, more directly, they've also helped to mold me.

Whether trying to get my grandmother to sit down and enjoy the holiday meal, bringing a delicious dish to share, laughing at the family craziness, or just simply being present at family gatherings and special occasions, my aunts have been a consistent and positive presence in my life.  All of them have had different influences on me, all of which are positive.  One aunt in particular helped by being more of a mom, since my real mom had to be away from the family for a time with my older brother for his transplant.  I distinctly remember my aunt helping me and my other brother with homework, cooking us meals, and letting us watch TV and eat snacks. She definitely won "the cool aunt" award for that interim time!

Still to this day, all my aunts engage me by asking how I'm doing, checking in on work and life, and by just having good, adult conversations -- since we can more now! We talk about work (the good, bad, and ugly), about travel (always good and so fun!), and about the past (remember when Uncle ____ did ____?!), and they don't bug me about dating (hallelujah)! They are pretty great.

I actually decided awhile back that I was going to try and reach "cool aunt" status when the time came. You know, be the aunt who buys awesome gifts or goes on sweet trips with the nieces and nephews.  I mean, I'd basically just like to not be the "crazy aunt" that you wonder about.

Now that I've thought about it, I have some big shoes to fill or, rather, some super examples to go off of, and I practice with my best friend's little girls right now.  I think I'm doing alright :)  ...At least they love me ("When's Miss Jessie goin' be here?") and I adore them!  I suppose the real test will be when my nephew (!) arrives late this August!!  Yep, that's right.  The time has come, and I'm so excited!!

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