Monday, October 27, 2014

Um, I Don't Care

I’ve decided that I don’t like hearing “take care” at the end of a conversation.  I think it’s short for “take care [because I most likely won’t see or talk to you again].”  That and the fact that if, say, care was a pill to take, then I don’t need it because I’ve OD’d.

Faithful, loyal, or caring.  Call it whatever you want! 

I believe I’m faithful, loyal to a fault sometimes, and I most definitely care too much.  Because of this, I’ve gotten burned out on people.   Yes, I want to love God and love people, but I’m tired.  Tired of caring, making the effort time and time again with little in return.

Since coming to Texas, I decided a new leaf was going to be turned and that I was going to take a nice break from instigating hangouts and what-not.  You know, just not doing things that in my mind showed I cared.  I wanted to focus on me.  It worked pretty well since I didn’t’ know anyone in the beginning, ha!  Yet now I’ve learned to focus on me in a more healthy way and to prioritize. 

This coming weekend is a good example.  I’m going to where I call home, and time is limited.  I have a lot of people who I love that I want to see and spend time with but there’s not enough time!  Prioritize.  Each visit I have to choose a handful of people to see and do certain things with in order to catch up.  It’s a two-way street, though.  So, in the end, if I don’t get to see someone or do something for whatever reason, I’ll try to not take it to heart but chalk it up to trying.

Anyway, I feel like I went from the one extreme of caring too much to the other of not caring at all.  Yet, going between the two has helped me realize personal tendencies, which are not bad per se but need to be more balanced.  Furthermore, as I’ve struggled with how I use my time and how I want to use my time or with just simply saying no, I’ve had some breakthroughs.  Well, more like some nudging from God to let me know that it’s okay to care [again].

Over the past week to week and a half, I’ve seen the most progress in delving through the “should I care or should I not care?” dilemma.  To begin, I’ve loved seeing that I’m not the only one who has a tendency to “care too much”. 
  • On Wednesday, I was talking to a sweet new friend about this very subject.  She agreed and said that she’s in the same boat.  I was relieved that she understood and kept talking, and then at the end of the conversation she said, “So, what you’re saying is that we’re going to be GREAT friends.”  Yes.  Yes, I am. :)
  •  I know we’ll be great friends not only because of that awesome comment but also because she’s similar to me.  For example, when I super randomly saw her walking out of the grocery store while I was walking in, she gave me a hug and thanked me for hanging out with her on Friday night.  She went on to say that she couldn’t talk right then since someone was waiting in the car for her and they were dashing off for an event but that she was looking forward to having dinner this Tuesday with me.  It was like a “did that just happen?!” kinda moment because I thank people for doing things with me and make concrete plans to see them.  Wow.  It’s nice to be on the receiving end for once, not gonna lie.  And this has happened more than once lately in God’s kindness.
  • This same friend was kind enough to tell me, in a nutshell, that, even if we have a lot of crummy relationships (i.e. relationships we put a lot of time and energy into without much return in our opinions), isn’t it worth going through them to find the gems?  Yes, I think it is.  Hopefully the good ones that last will out-weigh the bad ones a zillion to one!
  • I was skyping with another friend this past week who provided more insight and is another person who gets it.  She asked what my personality type was because she thought we were the same.  Yep.  Our personality tends to care.  A lot.  Knowing this and knowing that everyone is not like me (thank goodness) helped me be more gracious when people “don’t care” or when I have very different expectations of what should happen based on how I do things.  Now I’m trying to say let grace come instead of going to the mindset of “are you even a human being?!” or “are you seriously even my friend?!”
Thank goodness for people who understand, who are similar to us, and who will be my friend. 

Moving on to the nudging of God about how to deal with those who might not fit one or any of the categories just listed…
  • I have a personalized verse pack on my dresser that I love.  I turn to a new verse ever so often, and the one I turned onto last week was the following: “Jessie, do not become weary of doing good, for in due season you shall reap, if you do not give up.  Therefore, Jessie, as you have opportunity, do good to all people, especially those in the Church.”  -- Galations 6:9-11  Yep.  Okay, God.
  • On Tuesday, I heard a sermon about the prodigal son.  I’ve heard that story many times.  This was the second time it made a huge impact on me, with the first being when I was convicted of being the older brother.  While listening this past week, the preacher mentioned that “prodigal” means “recklessly extravagant” and that most of us think of the son in this way but that we should actually think of the father in this way.  His love for his son was recklessly extravagant!  God loves us like that!!  I want to love others like that.
  • In tangent with this, the preacher spoke about another parable Jesus had given.  It was the shepherd going to find his one lost sheep even though he had 99 that were safe.  When you lose something, your complete focus is on finding it.  What if I’m so focused on me that I miss someone else who needs Christ, needs help, needs someone to care?
Needless to say, I was challenged with Scripture and God tugging at my heart, and several friends, both old and new, helped me come over the mountain of “to care or not” and start the decent. 

It’s a process, to be sure, and one I’m going to be cautious on and not let my guard down yet try to be gracious.  I mean, I’m not going to be everyone’s friend and that’s okay.  I’m also not going to do everything perfectly or exactly the way I’d like things done toward me a hundred percent of the time, so I need grace, too.  I’d just like to keep the close friends I have, do some pruning if need be, and branch out to those who are in my path now.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I just got a breakthrough!!  Two, actually.  On the same night!  Pinch me.

Okay, so, have you ever had a “runner’s high,” a stellar “flow” in whatever you’re doing, a “don’t mess with me, I’m eating” kinda concentration, or the quintessential feeling of “being on cloud 9” because you just did _____”?  Have you?!  Then you know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!

I was swimming the other night and made a breakthrough.  It was glorious.  Only one other time whilst swimming have I had such an experience – that was when I got into a stellar flow.   This time the deal was with breathing, no less!  It felt amazing!  Like I didn’t want to get out of the pool and have the moment end, amazing.  Not that my breathing was oh so terrible to begin with (i.e. I wasn’t drowning or constantly spitting out water that found its way into my mouth, thank goodness), but it feels good to have finally grasped a comfortable way to rotate and grab a big enough breathe without messing up your stroke or rhythm.  Phew! :)  It only took how long… but I don’t care because now I’ve got it!

I’ve been swimming off and on for a while now and forget how I got started swimming, actually.  Oh!  I take that back.  I know why.  I wanted to be a lifeguard at a camp one summer, so I started swimming fairly regularly to be able to pass the test.  I passed, and it was a spectacular summer (definitely for more reasons than just being a lifeguard but, like so many things, that’s another story).

Ever since practicing for that test, I’ve enjoyed swimming a lot.  I mean, it’s a different and fun way to exercise, so I decided to add it to my routine.  Nothin’ crazy like Phelps.  Pssh.  I’ve never been a legit swimmer.  I kinda just go for it and stick to freestyle or breaststroke. 

Another reason to swim now is due to friends suggesting it when I get injured and can’t run [as much].  The most recent occurrence of some such injury was several weeks back when I rolled my ankle.  Boo.  Anyway, I just re-vamped my schedule to include one two swim sessions, if I so desire.  I like it.  It feels so good to be in the water, enjoying the cool temperature and slicing through the calm!

Like I said, I’m absolutely no expert, so I watched a few YouTube videos and asked a couple of friends over the years to help me master some basic skills.  This is actually how a friend and I became better friends :)  She had been on a swim team, so we’d hit the pool about once a week to grasp techniques, chat, and, of course, just swim.  Ah, such great times!  We challenged each other both in the pool to do more laps without taking a break, for instance, and in our lives.  She was a nurse for kids with cancer and I was a dietitian-to-be seeing all sorts of patients in my internship, so we talked about the medical field, discussed how to be a light despite the darkness around us, shared about family issues, and more.  She’s the smartie I just visited in Connecticut since she’s attending Yale for a graduate nursing program.

I’ll never forget her for lots of reasons but the main reason is because she said the most impactful words to help me through an especially hard time, one that’s become a full force in my life just in the past year or so.  Her words spurred on more reading which has helped to grow and stretch me, to say the very least. 

Swimming brings back memories of our time together, which was sweet and seemed too short.  I love and miss her.  I’m very thankful for her and our friendship, though, and know I can call, text, or visit her… even while she’s changin’ the world of nursing and breathing way better than me in the water!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Drill 1

I’ve officially begun in my Army Reserve unit, and the past two days have been a whirlwind filled with sore muscles, pink cheeks, and a full heart.

Sore muscles
I hadn’t received my orders, so wasn’t sure if I would be attending drill this weekend.  Well, I got a text from my fellow Dietitian in the unit, saying to come and be ready to take a PT (physical fitness test).  With less than a day’s notice, I’m really glad I’ve been working out lately!  The test comprises push-ups, sit-ups, and a run.  I did fine but push-ups are my worst section.  Thus, the sore pecs.

Pink cheeks
I’m not going to pretend (nor did I pretend) that I know a ton about the Army.  It wasn’t as terrible as I figured it would be, thank goodness, but I still had a few occasions to sport some rosy cheeks of embarrassment :)  For starters, I didn’t have a uniform so I stuck out like a sore thumb in my civilian clothes.  Though, as a friend pointed out (trying to make me feel better about the situation), it may have helped because I was clearly “the new girl” and this may have helped me get away with not knowing stuff.  Among other things, I don’t know all the ranks down pat yet, so that was interesting.  I safely called people “sir” or “ma’am” except once; he really wanted to be called “sergeant.”  Oops!  I’ll be reading up on all this stuff real soon…

Full heart
There are SO many reasons why my heart is full!  First, I got to see my dear friend after day 1.  She graciously let me stay with her so I didn’t have to go all the way back home.  We are sisters-in-Christ, but I still like to think of her as the younger sister I never had.  A second reason why my heart is full is because I think I’m going to really enjoy being in the Reserves, so I’m very grateful to God for this adventure!  For different reasons, I think I was made to be in the military.  Time will only tell.  Thirdly, I’m happy to have finally met my unit, especially everyone in my section.  I’m working with an awesome fellow Dietitian and some of my specialists (soldiers we’re in charge of) are going to be nice to work alongside. 

So much happened it seems, and I have a lot to learn but I’m still super excited!