Okay, who else thought the lyric in the song "Lean On" was "focus, fire a gun"?? I just looked it up and it's actually "blow a kiss, fire a gun." Hmm. Oh, well. I have made and have heard of worse lyric snafus!!
That is definitely not the point of this blog post, don't worry. It's really about focus or being focused, of which I'm not being at the moment. Hmm. Haha!
The epiphany of not being focused happened when analyzing this one dreary day when I was just having an "off" day. There just really isn't another way to put it. The day was off-putting, not the norm, slightly strange. I had pockets of goodness and of it being a more typical day but the overall air was odd. There are reasons, of course, such as having different events come down the pipe that were "I'm happy for you but sad for me" deals and lots of thoughts ranging from dating to future decisions to work that bombarded my somewhat normally clear vision.
The details have been largely hashed out Jessie-style and some important things that I got from that day were 1) I need to take things one day at a time, 2) I need to pray, and 3) I need to refocus.
I even had a friend ask how I was doing that day, and I would have given the quintessential "good" in response but, trying to be honest, the day was so weird that I said so. What was basically said in response was that things would turn around and I wouldn't remember why we were even having the conversation, but I know why we had that conversation.
One reason, I think, is to realize that sometimes I can't rely on someone else being able to talk to but that God is always available to talk to and the best option. Another reason was to reveal, possibly in a roundabout way, my lost focus.
Because this assignment is different from my last one, I lost sight as to why I am here and got swept up in things I can't even change, like not having certain friends around. Missing people, in and of itself, is not bad and quite possibly not unavoidable but it has its consequences in shifting focus away from what I need to do in the present.
Instead of focusing on the people I don't have around whom I miss, I started looking at the people who are around -- my patients, coworkers, and new friends -- and how to engage with them.
Instead of focusing on the lack of things to do, I started looking at the possibilities that are near and far and planning accordingly while being thankful for what I've already been able to do and see.
Other facets of life that need readjusting are numerous and the struggle is real. It most assuredly doesn't happen overnight.
Tangent time... Take the election. Everyone can relate to that, right?
I think I could stop at just that one word and people would understand. I mean, the Facebook feed was blowing up. Yet, what's done is done.
I don't care who you voted for; The results are in and I'm glad this election is over. Honestly though, I'm just so baffled by the fact that there's been so much hate and disgust and utter disrespect amongst everyone. I know religion and politics are taboo subjects to talk about and the uproar encircling this election clearly depicts why, yet it is important and should be talked about. I just think it should have been done and should be done in a much better way.
I do think this was an important event and an obvious history-making event, yet it is only one event. Life still goes on. Happy things happen... Sad things happen... People are still in the hospital... People are still losing their loved ones... People are still remembering their loved ones... Life doesn't stop or pause because of a new president.
Overall, I feel like this election was blown out of proportion for various reasons and that our focus as a nation was a bit off the mark.
Personally, I really tried to view it like any other day. Yes, I voted and I'm glad I did but I didn't really do anything different that day. I'm still just a Dietitian trying to help people get well while growing personally, exercising my rights when I can, loving those around me, and praying for myself and others, and much more.
There were obvious pros and cons to both candidates. Trump won so good for him and I wait to see what he does, and I hope he does a good job. The end.
So, whether I'm voting or not or whether I'm having an off day or not, I pray that I refocus my life to Christ. He alone makes life better.
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