Monday, August 13, 2018

Life Lesson #3072

Life is full of all sorts of stuff -- lessons, teachings, disappontments, victories, joys, heartaches, and sin -- and I'm always trying to learn (in all the meanings of that word) in order to better myself and better others.

The past couple of weeks have proven helpful, rejuvinating, and hard.  Helpful in the sense that I got to clear my mind and heart people's experience and wisdom.  Rejuvenating in the sense that I got to be refreshed by God in His creation.  Hard in the sense that I saw some of my sin more clearly and had to apologize, had to hear hard things from a friend, and had to get through an intense backpacking trip.

Backpacking and hiking in Montana was incredible!  What an awesome experience.  I didn't know what to expect for the most part but definitely didn't expect it to be as hard as it was. I'm in shape and all that good stuff but lugging 40+ extra pounds when you're not used to it is quite different and challenging. And yet, I did it.  I CAN do hard stuff!

It was a Christian Camp who took 9 of us on an  adventure and the environment brought back many memories from when I was a young camper, from when I was a camp counselor, and from the several mission trips I have been able to be apart of.  Being around Christians is noticablely different to me and is always the best.  Everyone on my trip was willing to lend a hand, was intelligent, kept complaining at a minimum, contributed to the trip/group, spoke niceky, and enjoyed everything the trip had to offer.  We participated in Bible discussion and also sang these songs that I've never heard in my life but now really like.  I chose to get over my discomfort and sing along as well as push aside my thoughts and negativity in order to reconnect with God and focus on Him.  It was soul-satisfying :)

Upon returning to my home, I went right back to work and life as it was before.  All the same problems and routines were present.  But I felt I was in a new state of mind, and a co-worker immediately challenged me to be even more so.

Her challenge was to listen to Joyce Meyers each day for 30 days.  I accepted.  One of the first themes I listened to was on breakthroughs and was basically about owning up to things, since a lot of good can come from saying sorry and acknowledging that things are your fault.

I was slowly realizing some things I was doing that were hurting my relationships and I had to apologize.  I was seeing how my sin of wanting to be in control was not good, to say the least.  I feel things have changed already for the better, even before the trip.  Though, through God working in me and with more time, more positive changes are coming.

Isn't that what God does? Shows you your sin and how you need Him to make things right, you need to ask for forgiveness?

God also gave me new insights to my fiance while on the hike, a couple through the Dad who invited me to go.  We talked and I listened.  Enough said.  I also observed his mannerisms and others on the trip along with my own.  Lots of good insights were had!   I won't bore you ;)

I will say that each new understanding allows me to give grace to him and even to myself.  And boy, do I need grace!  And to extend it!

Maybe that's lesson #3073?  Nonetheless, I'm still learning and applying what I learn, only because of God.

Here's to many, many more!

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