Why military?
People join the military for a lot of different reasons. Some do it so they can pay for school, some do it so they can pay off school. Some join to follow in the footsteps of their family members, some join because their family members make them. Some join to serve their country or to feel a part of something bigger, while others join because they have no direction or need guidance.
People join the military for a lot of different reasons. Some do it so they can pay for school, some do it so they can pay off school. Some join to follow in the footsteps of their family members, some join because their family members make them. Some join to serve their country or to feel a part of something bigger, while others join because they have no direction or need guidance.
Learning the reason why people join the military has opened my eyes. I really thought that people joined because they thought it was courageous and they wanted to serve our country. These things are true and evident in people’s lives but are not the deciding factor in a lot of cases.
Learning the reason why people chose a particular branch
intrigued me. I didn't understand how
someone chose one branch over the other.
It's all the Armed Forces to me!
This, too, provided interesting responses ranging from parents being in
a particular branch and kids following in their footsteps to not being allowed into one’s
desired branch due to a medical restraint (not having perfect vision to be a
pilot for Air Forces, for instance) to the comradery displayed by a certain
branch on the day of signing up then and there.
I've always respected people of the military no matter
the reason why they joined and no matter their branch. In my opinion, it doesn't matter what you do
in the military or which branch your in because you've committed time, skills,
loyalty, and much more. Joining may cause
discomfort, displacement, deployment, and possibly your life.
So, now that I have gone through my own process of
deciding to commit to the military by praying, thinking, and talking to others
for quite some time and weighing the pros and cons, I’ve decided to do it.
Why Army?
My journey to the military started back in October of last year when my dietetic preceptor asked me what I wanted to do in the dietetic field. I spouted off a slew of interests. I also mentioned that I love to travel and wanted to be able to do that in some capacity. She then asked if I had thought about becoming an Army Dietitian. She went on to say that she heard such an RD speak at a conference and that the woman loved what she was doing AND gets to travel. I said that I was not aware of military RDs existing, so I decided to look into it.
Why Army?
My journey to the military started back in October of last year when my dietetic preceptor asked me what I wanted to do in the dietetic field. I spouted off a slew of interests. I also mentioned that I love to travel and wanted to be able to do that in some capacity. She then asked if I had thought about becoming an Army Dietitian. She went on to say that she heard such an RD speak at a conference and that the woman loved what she was doing AND gets to travel. I said that I was not aware of military RDs existing, so I decided to look into it.
I figured it would not hurt to call and ask the different branches about a dietitian position. Right off the bat Air Force stated they weren't hiring dietitians for that fiscal year, while paperwork and phone calls ensued with Navy and Army. I started to pray about the job.
I was prepared to keep going until there was a red light or, rather, a closed door. While I was finishing my internship, I didn't really hear anything from either apparently interested branch, so I just assumed it was a closed door and that was that.
Then, just as I was about to finish my internship in February, both Navy and Army started talking to me again. For Navy, I did two phone interviews. For army, I did a physical and more papers for my application packet. I never heard from Navy again, which did not hurt my feelings because based on the interviews I wasn't really feeling it anyway. Army stuck with me the whole way through, even helping me get my RD license faster, and I got the call that I had been accepted into the Reserves. I was ecstatic!
Honestly, at first, I didn't think I wanted the Reserves but rather wanted to be full-time active-duty. In the end, since I wasn't sure what was happening with the military when I was looking for a full-time job, I took a clinical job in Fort Worth. With the Reserves, I can keep my full-time civilian job and do military work part-time. It’s perfect.
Okay, why do it?
For those who don’t know, my prayer has always been that God would allow me to blend my love for travel and my love for health AND use both for Him. I would say, "I don't know how You're going to do it, but I know You can."
I would've never imagined going into the military! (Let’s be real, though, there are a lot of things in my life that I would've never thought I would be doing or would have done.) I think the military can blend my loves whether through humanitarian missions or otherwise and can help me grow both personally and professionally. I think I'll love the comradery, serving my country, and being a part of a team. I know I’ll be challenged to stay physically fit and be able to encourage others to stay fit as well. I hope to gain sports dietetic experience and just work with a different population, who is motivated and has different needs than the population I currently work with. I’m ready to take advantage of opportunities as they arise and to experience why every Army RD I’ve spoken to and have heard of loves what they’re doing! There are other reasons, too, but these are the big ones.
Plus, I think I can offer people help, both nutritionally
(physically) and spiritually. I was
talking to an active duty RD who was also a Christian. Before know her beliefs, I said that I was a
Christian and that everybody needed Jesus!
She agreed and offered me some good advice about being a Christian in
the military. I’m excited to see how God
uses me in this setting!
Well, what if...?
Well, what if...?
A lot goes into a decision like this, obviously, and many
people offered their own “what if” questions and scenarios for me to mull over.
I’ve decided that I don't want to live in fear, in insecurities, or in the “what ifs” of life. The “What if you get deployed?” or “What if you have to move?” or “What if you want to have a family?” and more questions like these have crossed my mind and been answered. For now, I’ll leave it at that.
No, no. Why?!
Ultimately, I prayed, fasted, asked questions,
researched, listened, talked, and sought the Lord. Lots of things have led up to and steered me
toward saying yes to this opportunity, like verses, sheer timing, hearing
others experience who are currently Army RDs, and God’s peace.
I also think life is meant for living well, fulfilling
dreams, pursuing passions, meeting people along the way, and, ultimately and most
importantly, loving and glorifying God while showing and telling others that
they have the choice to love and worship God, too.
So, here’s to a new adventure with God, who is most
definitely “a good one to adventure with!”
I proudly commissioned as a First Lieutenant in the US
Army Reserve on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at 18:30 :)
Congratulations! All the best to you in this new endeavor.