Sunday, March 1, 2015


How do you view people? 

As a means to get what you want? 
As an obstacle to weave around? 
As a burden to endure or get away from? 
As an opportunity to learn something new?
As a pleasant encounter?

Knowing someone who uses others might be the worst.  They get what they want and move on, sometimes without a second thought. 
If you think of people as obstacles or burdens, you might never want to be-friend anyone!  What a shame.
You could view knowing or meeting someone as a way to learn something new or simply a way to have a pleasant conversation.

I’d rather see people in light of the last two mentioned.

Think about it.

I know I have been lately for a couple of reasons.  One, over the past few weeks, I’ve met several people or have been able to have more in-depth conversations with those I see only on occasion.  Those conversations or encounters have gotten me to think about and pray for that person.  I have begun to think and ask God why I met them, what I should say to them, or why am I/they being put in my life in the sense of what can I learn from them. 

Maybe I should simply listen to them like the lady I met this evening… Maybe I want to know what kind of music they listen to in order to broaden my musical horizons… Maybe they can teach me a new board game… Maybe they can show me how to properly shoot a gun… Maybe they like to have fun dancing just as much as me… Maybe I want to enjoy their company over a homemade meal… Maybe I need them for accountability…
Maybe they just need Jesus.

When I view people as God sees them, I don’t have to worry about taking advantage of someone, about being overwhelmed by their need, about false motives, about trying to get them to like me, or any of the like.  It’s so liberating!

This is a very recent development but one I like.  Another reason for it is because of what I saw in others and even in myself.  You know those traits that you notice in another person that drive you crazy??  Well, you yourself might have them, too.  Ouch.  One I’ve noticed is flakiness.  I think there are different forms of flakiness, such as not even responding to someone’s phone call or texts (which may fit into “bad communication” more so), but my form of flakiness stems from over-scheduling.  I try to do too much, so I’m either late or sometimes have to cancel altogether.  So now, I try to not over commit.  I’m a work in progress.

There are other things I’ve learned from people in my past, like not opening up so much/too much because it simply wouldn’t be healthy to do so, not to think of how I can get a guy to like me, not to be so surprised when people don’t meet my expectations, or not to care so much about what they think, say, or do.  I worry about myself much more now, because, in the end, when I think of things I’ve learned from people in my past, I see that they were selfish.  Chalk it up to up-bringing, personality, charm, beauty, or whatever!  I don’t buy it.  They’re sinful, just like me.  They’re selfish, just like me. 

We all need Jesus.

I’m trying to see people as He does and love them as He does.  It’s worth it.

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