Sunday, August 13, 2017

Feeling Poopy

Ever so often I get sick and feel poopy.  It's not that frequent, thankfully, but it stinks. 

For my current illness, I'm fluctuating between needing to poop and feeling as though there's nothing in me to poop.  We've all been there.  Curses!  

I mean, c'mon!  We all know you feel better after you poop or vomit, say, but neither is coming.  It's like one of the few times you're okay with either coming no matter how terrible it may be because afterwards you'll feel a little less poopy.  It's like you're saying or possibly screaming, "Just get out of me!  And let me feel better."  This was my life last night and today, likely due to eating some bad food. 

Along with my pooping dilemma, I'm fluctuating between being hot and cold.  Yes, a fever.  It was at its height last night, and I thought I was okay at different points during the day today. 

However, feeling poopy will play a gotcha game.  Just today, I caught myself saying, "If I'm too sick to go to church then I'm too sick to go hike with my friend."  Boo.  But true. 

I don't remember getting sick that much while growing up, yet I do remember that if you were sick, you weren't doing anything else.  As in, you didn't get to play sick and stay home from school or play sick to get out of something you didn't want to do but then turn around and "feel better" like a miracle had happened so you could do something you did want to do. 

A few other things that also haven't changed when feeling poopy would be the need to rest, which is hard for me, and the need for some love, which is where Mom would sweep in and save the day. 

No Mom today or hardly ever in my adult life, but I know she'd be here if she could.  Now others have taken her place.  Really, it's just nice of others to get me things, offer to do anything for me, or just chill with me.  I'm very appreciative.  

I'm feeling less poopy.  Praise God.  Because another thing about adult life that's poop is the fact that you still have to go to work the next day. 

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