Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter 2019

It is "Happy Easter" because it is finished and He is risen!!

As the day approaches, I can't help but think of the following list given by the Chaplain on Palm Sunday:

The first time He came as a lowly carpenter
The next time He will come as a risen conquerer

The first time He came riding on a donkey
The next time He will be riding a white horse

The first time people ridiculed and beat Him
The next time people will bow in His presence

The first time He came weeping
The next time He is coming with a shout

The first time He came to redeem man
The next time He will rule all of mankind

The first time He had no money for taxes
The next time He will own everything

The first time He came alone
The next time He is coming with saints and angels

The first time He was mocked and scorned
The next time His enemies will be under His feet

The first time He had nails in His hands
The next time He holds a sword

The first time He hung on a cross
The next time He will sit on a Throne

The first time He was judged
The next time He will be the Judge

The first time men put Him to death
The next time He will destroy the enemies of God

The first time He came as a man
The next time He will come as God

The first time He was the Lamb
The next time He will be the Lion

The first time He was meek and lowly
The next time He will come in power and glory

The first time He wore a crown of thorns
The next time He will wear a Crown of Crowns

The first time He was called King of the Jews
The next time He will be King of Kings

The first time He came as a lowly Nazarene
The next time He is coming as the Lord of Lords

Praise God and amen!

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