Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Number

March is national nutrition month!  The theme is "put your best fork forward."  I bet you can just hear the excitement around any and every Dietitian.

For added festivities, the facility I'm at in West Virginia is doing a weight-loss challenge for the month.  I think it's a great idea!  They've done it in the past and had good results, and this year is shaping up to be very full of participants as well.

One thing that struck me though was the comments people made as they were being weighed.  People are so harsh on themselves and so very much into that number!  

I get it.  I used to be the same way and can slip into that mindset even now.  Though, I try not to let the number bother me these days, for which accepting my body style and size has done wonders, and, honestly, I don't weigh myself unless forced.  It's not necessary in my book. 

It's just a number, not a disaster nor insurmountable.  It should not dictate my self-worth or value, my abilities, or my mindset.  So, I prefer go with how I feel, how I look in my clothes or how those clothes fit, and how I'm able to reach my lifestyle goals. 

Unfortunately, too many don't do that  but, rather, are focused on a number going down (or not going up even) that they don't think about their actual health.  Someone can be "skinny" and yet still be truly unhealthy.  For instance, those who suffer from and fight an eating disorder.  Then there are those, like me, who are on the heavier side (by the number) but in great health. 

Let's be real.  I weigh about 140 pounds, which is the heaviest I've ever been.  But you know what?  I don't care.  Sure, if a guy tries to lift me, I'll warn him that it's a bad idea, but I know I'm healthy (wealthy and wise), I know all my clothes fit, I know I look good (to me), and I know I'm ironically at one of my smallest sizes.  I know it's just a number. 

I also have a photo of when I weighed this amount years ago.  I didn't feel healthy at all and was definitely self-conscious.  I look pretty different because my weight showed then.  

Now, I know I don't look like I weigh that much because it's just obvious to me in lots of ways and because two ladies, whom I'd just weighed for the challenge, were kind of shocked when I told them my weight.  They both agreed that I was "so small" and they would have never guessed I weighed "that much."  Ever. 

I'm still not immune to wishing I was back at my 125 pound self on some days.  However, since I fit into clothes that I wore at that weight, am able to be active with running, hiking, swimming, lifting, cycling, etc., am healthy (void of illnesses and disease) and feel healthy, and am able to do what God wants me to be doing, I'm going to continue to not care about a number. 

I challenge you to start to do the same this National Nutrition Month and beyond!

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