Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Life Hacks

A recent book buy was "Life Hacks" by Keith Bradford.  It is awesome.  It speaks on different areas of life like technology, party hacks, survival, health and fitness, and money savers.   So many fun facts to know and tell!  And most definitely put into use. 

I'll list several here with my thoughts/reaction.  Enjoy!  :)

#140  When it comes to staying awake, apples are actually more powerful than caffeine.

I basically have one a day!  No wonder I feel like I don't need coffee.

#144  Soak Oreos in half and half and laying them on wax paper in the freezer.  In an hour, each one will be a delicious mini ice cream sandwich.

Whoa.  Must do.  Yum!

#87  Want to make sure you wake up in the morning?  The snooze app for iPhone will donate to charity each time you hit the snooze button.

Dang.  I might become broke... or finally not hit snooze, ha!

#90  The "Along the Way" app gives you any cool attraction you can see along the way of any road trip.

Yes!  I've needed this!

#403  Lick a little salt with the tip of your tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke.  This is said to break that habit within a month.

Not a smoker and don't plan on ever being one, but this is intriguing.  I need a guinea pig!

#619  Never sleep naked.  If there is some kind of emergency, it might be too late to put something on.


#593  Never asked someone how his or her job search is going.  It's going terribly until they tell you they got a new job.

Haha!  Truth.  I ask because I care but, since I'm job searching and also have in the past, I will refrain from asking and wait until they give me the good news. 

#755  Need to open a can of tuna can, but don't have a can opener? Just rub the top of the can on concrete for minute and then squeeze the sides in.  The top will pop open.

Uh, huh.  Right. 

#736  Homemade camping lamp: Strap a headlamp to a gallon jug of water.  Your tent will fill up with ambient light.


#539  Each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional 10 cents a gallon for gas.

Guess I'll be paying extra sometimes!  

#501  Target will price match Amazon.  If you find something cheap on Amazon, buy it at target instead and you won't have to wait for it to be shipped to you.

Who knew?!

#426  Putting vodka on your face tightens your pores and reduces the chances of acne breakouts.

Try that as an excuse as to why you have alcohol in your room, haha!  Flash back to RA days...

#444  Adding vodka to your shampoo can strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp, and stop dandruff.

Sweet.  Okay, alcohol won some brownie points with this one. 

#356  Hungry and want a ride home?  Go to the local pizza shop, order pizza to your house, and get a ride home with the driver.

Haha!  Hmm, I suppose this could be a great trick if a date goes awry, too. 

#352  Runny or stuffy nose?  Push your tongue on the top your mouth and push a finger between your eyebrows.  Hold it for about 20 seconds.  Your nose should clear.

Yeah, definitely trying this in the comfort of my own home.  I can just see somebody walking into the office as I'm doing this.  Haha!  Oh, boy. 

#368  Instead of scraping ice off your car, try spraying it with a mixture of 2/3 cup vinegar and 1/3 cup water. The ice will melt right off.

Wish I had this when it was below 20° with the wind chill and I was out scraping in Iowa!!

#602  Want to watch a movie with a girl?  Ask her what her favorite movie is and say you haven't seen it.  She'll usually say, "We should watch it."

I'd suggest it.  Ha!

#606  If you ever need to stop and ask for directions, skip the gas station and find a pizza delivery place.  They know their way around town way better.

Note to self. 

#683  The phrase "Don't take this the wrong way" has a 0% success rate.

LOL  Yep. 

#696  When buying a romantic card, get two.  Write the inscription from card A into card B and pretend you can write sweet things.  Be sure to use with caution.

This is hilarious!!  But I don't advise.

#695  Good things come to those who wait, but greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything they possibly can to make it happen.

I'll just leave this right here.

#889  Clothes shrink too small?  Soak them in a mixture of hot water and hair conditioner for five minutes and then air dry them.

Wish I knew this growing up. 

#950  Play Tetris.  Playing Tetris can increase brain power by almost 150%. 

I must be at genius level because I played on the airplane from India!

#970  SelfControl is a program that blocks sites like Facebook, Twitter, and email for a specified period of time.  Using it will help you minimize distractions while you study or do homework.

Or just need a technology break in life!

#20  Swipe left or right on the iPhone calculator to delete the last digit, so you don't have to start all over.

It works!  Had no clue about this previously. 

#963  Stumped on a question or a math problem?  Lie down.  Your thought process is much faster when you're lying down, which is why you always lie down at psychiatrist appointments.

Think my boss will go for this?  "I need to lie down to think faster.  No, I won't fall asleep."  Famous last words.

Learning new things is fun, right?!  I recommend getting the book for more but hope you liked these!  

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