Sunday, April 2, 2017


My friend wanted me to join her in doing Whole30 for Lent.  I don't typically "do" Lent but I love my friend so I said sure without thinking.  Then I thought about it.  Still, I didn't back out because I thought my reasons were good enough to go through with it.  I've made changes to my diet over the years, some big and some small, but I've never cut out whole food groups because I don't think you should or have to [as a normal, healthy individual].  That said, I'm writing this post for me and about me.  Your experience, if you choose to complete Whole30 (more on that as part of the conclusion) will be completely different.  You can even read about my friend's experience here:  She's a brilliant and honest writer with a legit website!

This post is the play-by-play of each day with some needed edits.  I quickly jotted down my thoughts, sometimes all at once and sometimes in pieces.  I had an added challenge of sticking with Whole30 while traveling abroad in the middle of the month, so that was fun.  Not.  At least I throw in some fun stuff I did while in India.  My overall thoughts and findings are at the end.  I'd be more than happy to talk about it in another setting if you wish or have questions!

I will warn you that, if you don't like hearing about bodily functions (day 13 is definitely a LOL day for this!), this post isn't for you since I had some GI issues (nothing too graphic, just being honest).

Let's go!

Day 1:  
Wait, why am I doing this?  I can't have lentils??  I don't think I can do this.  I need more carbs for running and working out; this might end really badly.

Day 2:  
I'm hungry.  Talked with my friend, which helps, and at least I'm not feeling "hung over," have a foggy mind, or have headaches like the [Whole30] book says I might!  It's going to be okay.  Need to get some recipes and a bit of variety but that should be doable.

Day 3:
Less hungry and feeling more full after eating the same amount of food!  Didn't feel super great the whole day, however.  My eyes were watery as if from allergies, my stomach started hurting, and I had a lot of gas.  Ate the same food as the other two days but my poop is still real loose.  Found Larabars!

Day 4:
Didn't wake up feeling ravenous -- bonus!  Found Larabars the other day; they're probably going to save my life. Otherwise, uneventful day for me, while my friend was angry and had the "kill all the things" day like the book said.  Kill all the things, hahaha!

Day 5: 
Still can't really tell any difference other than my poop is loose, but I don't think I got enough calories in me before my long run yesterday.  Nose is still runny and stuffy, likely from allergies.  Did wake up with a very noticeable headache, so will try to drink more water today. Feel good at the end of the day.

Day 6: 
So far, today is in the only day that the book feelings have rung true.  I was so, so tired!!  I barely woke up for work, it seems.  I could've kept sleeping and sleeping!  Otherwise, doing fine.

Day 7: 
Still a little tired.  I'm feeling full a lot quicker and longer.  I know that's fiber doing its job but it's crazy how much I say that to patients and am now really experiencing it myself!  Had my first real craving for frozen yogurt today but didn't cave.

Day 8: 
I feel sluggish and foggy.  Not productive.  Ugh.  I didn't feel awake until at least 230pm!  After that, I was fine until bedtime, when I felt nauseous and a headache ensued.  Not sure that wasn't allergies from coming into NC...

Day 9: 
Still have a bad headache, and I ate "breakfast" (small salad) super early since I'm headed to India!!  Praying everything goes smoothly...  The gluten free option in flight was genius!  Getting grilled chicken with veggies was nice but not eating the delicious smelling pizza was super rough.  I didn't give in!  Buying nuts in the airport was a very good idea and scavenging for fruit in flight is a must.

Day 10: 
Yesterday was so long!  Almost never-ending, what with a 16 hour flight but we got to our destination!  The day kinda ran into the next but I survived again with a big buffet breakfast of basically protein.  On a good note, my headache subsided once we arrived in Dehli.

Day 11: 
Another big buffet breakfast got me through.  I just ate chicken at lunch; it was really, really hard to pass on naan bread.  I almost gave in.  But no.  I think I've survived the two toughest days, thank goodness!  I honestly don't think it will get that much easier.  I see foods I really want like frozen yogurt, naan, and some sweets.  But I haven't given in!  I'm eating a lot of protein, and I've also been super duper constipated the past couple of days!!  Never have I ever.  Ugh.  Haven't eaten as much fruits and veggies in the past couple of days just due to circumstances, so that probably has a part to play but still.

Day 12:
My dinner, which was the best meal I've had here so far, was spectacular!  Grilled fish with a spicy sauce that made it and vegetable kofta.  Yummy!

Day 13:
Constipation with a vengeance!  When I pooped at the end of the day, it was like all my insides were coming out, along with a lot of pain.  I kept replaying the memory of when I was growing up of my Dad unplugging the toilet saying, "How could SO much poop come out of such a tiny body?!"  Hahaha!!  But seriously.  No fun.  I'm eating veggies as much as possible and they're covered in yummy spices, but I've had hardly any fruit and a lot of protein (because, what's left?), so not much fiber :/  Nothing I can do, I feel... and I basically feel like I eat a ton at each meal since I'm not sure how much will be edible for me at the next one.

Day 14:
Today was absolutely terrible health-wise for me!!!  I got diarrhea (maybe from something I ate) but took a nap and felt a bit better.  
Side note: I definitely questioned whether to keep going with this Whole30 thing or not, especially right about now!  But...
Still sticking to the diet.  Still hard, especially as my options seem to be dwindling (as I think the watermelon did me in at lunch).  But now I'm almost afraid to start eating anything that I've cut out because I don't know if terrible symptoms will ensue!  I also have been doing it so long now I don't want to give up.
Thankfully, I felt well during my presentation despite feeling like death right before.  The talk was fun, and I think the Indian ladies liked it as much as me :)  Yay!

Day 15:
I'm eating whatever I can get my hands on that is seemingly on the diet.  For dinner, for instance, all the items but one were fried and all those fried items were potatoes.  The only thing that wasn't fried also contained potatoes.  I have to take what I can get, especially since I'm pretty hungry by the time we eat.  Ugh.  Another example, I had three bananas and five bites of chicken for lunch.  This has been the worst so far.  I'm trying to supplement with Larabars but I only have one for each remaining day :/  I also don't know what my bowels are going to do.

Day 16:
I didn't poop today.  I don't even know the last time that's happened!  No poop.  All day.  Crazy!  At 4am, when we got up for the early train, I pooped.  
Still sticking to the diet as able.  Had "ketchup" at lunch (1 pack) because the "chicken" nuggets were so dry.  Eating a lot of bananas and chicken.  The tandoori chicken at dinner was delicious and the "dry veg" was too, though it wasn't dry, ha!  The spices here create like a curry or sauce; tastes pretty good but it isn't dry as one would think it would come! 

Day 17:
What you need driving in India:  "Good horn.  Good brakes.  And good luck."  Hahaha!!  Too true.
I shared about what I'd learned in "Good Leaders Ask Great Questions" by John C Maxwell, and it went well!  After was a culture show with dancing and it was SO fun!!  Most joined in :)
As for Whole30, I feel full and bloated most the time :(  Probably the food/spices...  I hope it gets better.

Day 18:
We got up real early to see the Taj Mahal!!  It was spectacular.  Very impressive, though I could have skipped being packed like a sardine to see the tombs inside, ha!  Still, quite the experience.
I had a lighter breakfast, which helped with the bloated feeling, but it had no spice so...?  Nonetheless, I feel much better today.

Day 19:
Feel awful.  Stomachache, congestion, headache, gas, discomfort, etc.  Found tiger balm for headaches and used it, seemed to work.

Day 20:
I think I'm back to normal with GI stuff, I hope and pray.  I also feel like I'm on a normal sleep schedule which is great!  Right back to the whole30 with a salmon dinner last night and a salad with chicken today.  My friend says we should be feeling good for the rest of the time so that's encouraging!
I keep thinking of the things I want to add back like oatmeal, Greek yogurt, quinoa, and chocolate milk.  Really, I think I'm going to stick to eating this well all the time and just add back in things that I enjoy but are truly healthy and beneficial.  I'm going to try and continue to do gluten-free for about another month to test a theory of mine.  Also going to try and get more Larabars today for snacks, though I feel like I'm eating a ton of nuts!

Day 21:
It's much easier to eat the diet now back in the states.  Not trying to lose weight, honest, which is a good thing because I don't think I've lost a single pound.

Day 22:
Got a massage :)  Nothing crazy Whole30-wise.

Day 23:
Felt weird in the afternoon so I had a little more to eat and then felt fine.  Pooped once and have stinky farts.  Counted my calories just for the fun of it and found I was going to be pretty much in line for my daily allotment after exercise.  Feel full, so all is well.
I went to Sam's Club with a friend and was blown away with all the foods I'm not eating but really the fact that they're so full of sugar!  Some stuff I can do without completely, while a few things I wouldn't mind having on occasion like some chips, yogurt, or cheese.  I'll be adding those back in moderation.

Day 24:
I've made it this far!  Big breakfast today.  Tried to lessen my fat intake because I read that fat can give you gas but it was very hard.  I basically didn't do it because I have a Larabar at least once a day!

Day 25:
A lot less gas today for no known reason.  But I'll take it!  I feel as though I had the same amount of fat as I have been having each day and the same foods.

Day 26-29:
No real changes.  Gas and BMs are better.  Weirdly, I feel bloated before bed but then normal and slim in the morning.
Made a list of foods I want to add back and when.  I'm starting with gluten-free grains because I want sushi while watching the NCAA championship game, then I'll add legumes and dairy.  I bet sugar will be throughout since it's added to so much stuff!  Finally, I'll add back in gluten grains.

Day 30: 
Nothing.  No other events except thinking of what I'll soon be able to have and buying stuff to make paleo desserts!
My friend and I both agreed this was NOT easy but still, in a sense, fun :) It brought us together for sure despite the distance.

Day 31:
I can't believe the last day is here.  Hip-hip-hooray!  I know I could go on with it (and will with this reintroduction thing) but I'm looking forward to eventually having...
Chocolate milk
Plain Greek yogurt
Brown rice
Black beans
Things with added sugar like salsa and seasonings
Peanut butter
No added sugar jelly

So, I'm basically going to eat as I was before this thing, haha!  But definitely not as much added sugar or sweets, in general, while sticking to cooking the recipes (just adding brown rice, for instance). 

I reweighed myself and did the body fat assessment again (did it at beginning and end).  I lost 2.5 pounds in 28 days (4 weeks).  I think that's good since healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week and I wasn't trying to lose.  I was just trying to stick to the diet, exercise when able, and not feel too hungry!  Honestly, I probably worked out only 12 days during the month due to scheduling and life events, when I usually exercise 5 or 6 out of 7 days of the week.  Also, my body fat percentage went down the tiniest bit.  Definitely taking that!

One reason I was doing Whole30 was to cut whole food groups out because I've never done that ever, nor do I plan on doing it ever again.  I think certain products are healthful, like plain Greek yogurt or Kefir to brown rice or quinoa, and are perfectly fine in a balanced diet.  Another reason was to see if my headaches subsided.  They didn't.  On some occasions, they were actually worse.  What I didn't expect at all was my bowels to go through so much!  Yikes.  Everything is normal now, but the worst was definitely seen in India.  Speaking of travel, I felt limited in food choices and immediately seemed to have more options and time to cook different dishes once back in the States.  Definitely something to be thankful for and something I take for granted.  

This whole experience challenged me greatly to be more disciplined in what I ate from looking at labels I've previously seen but maybe only glanced over to saying no to things I love like peanut butter and yogurt.  Whole30 made me reach out to my friend (I would not do this without someone else!).  It also re-opened my eyes to all the added sugar in products and how much I was actually consuming in my "healthy" eating.  I had grown accustomed to saying things were okay to have, like sugary yogurt, chocolate, or a cookie, because I don't have it all the time and yogurt is still "healthy."  Well, anything healthy can become unhealthy, and anything you have occasionally can turn into a regular!  It's nice to get back on track.  It's also nice to look into a fridge full of delicious produce and not feel guilty for eating anything I've eaten in the last month while feeling completely full and satisfied!

I would only recommend the Whole30 to someone else if they have a buddy and have clear and tangible goals, such as "I want to be gluten-free for this month to see if my skin clears up."  This was the case for my friend and, as an added bonus, going gluten-free also helped with her joints.  So, she feels this lifestyle change is worth it and, important to note, sustainable for her.  I also wouldn't go into it with lofty expectations like you'll lose 30 pounds (I've heard this happening but the guy was quite overweight and working out a lot, so one should have specific goals and realistic expectations tailored to them, which is why I think seeing a Dietitian for nutrition and a Personal Trainer or Fitness Specialist for exercise is very important).  

In the end, I'm glad I completed Whole30 to be able to share my experience in the hopes it helps someone else in any way possible.  

SO much poop!!  Hahaha!!

Now to enjoy my sushi tomorrow night and the rest of my re-introduction phase!

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