Monday, April 17, 2017

The Best Yes

My sweet friend from soccer way-back-when found me on FB and, at first, I wasn't sure who it was, so I didn't accept the friend request.  Then it donned on me after squinting at her name on the screen, "Oh!! Melissa!  Of course I accept!!"  Click. 

I'm so glad we reunited, for many reasons.  One being that we are more alike than I knew.  Another being that I hope I'm like her more often.  She is not only physically beautiful (think gorgeous smile and skin and striking hourglass figure) but also personality-wise beautiful (think personable, endearing, caring, honest, and Godly).  You want her to be your friend.  

She posts on social media, so I see into her life in this way.  It's encouraging to read what she says and does.  There's so much I relate to or think and do the same.  For instance, I, too, wanted to burst into tears on Easter, but it was because I missed my family, wanted to be with my best friend who was sick, and wasn't feeling too great myself.  Kinda selfish.  Thank goodness for technology, as my Mom texted me and my brother about a memory of the entire family singing at the top of our lungs the "Easter Song" by GLAD.  My brother sent the YouTube link to it, and we all exchanged more texts. 

Even though I dearly miss family and close friends, I was reminded in a church service that heaven is my home, for which I should long.  Then my friend's post hit me on several levels and reminded me to extend grace to myself and others (no one is perfect!) as well as the fact that Easter is not about religion but rather about a relationship with a living God, which encompasses love, grace, and healing, amongst many things.  And, although life holds sweet times and hard times, Christ is my best yes -- every day, no matter what. 

With her permission, I hope you enjoy her post as much as I did: 

"I am a very sentimental person.  I keep scribble pictures drawn for me from all the babies in my life.  I store blurry pictures on my phone from special occasions.  I keep tattered bracelets and crafts from friends.  I can't help myself, they're special because they came from special people.  Today on Resurrection Sunday *holding back tears* I am reminded yet again of the grace I accepted as a little girl.  The grace I continuously receive and honestly, somedays forget to accept.  My sweet Mom in love [to be] gave me this cross bracelet which I will cherish forever.  She gave it to me at Christmas before I was officially becoming part of the family.  All the women in their family have one.  And I am so honored and humbled to be a part of that group.  I love it because it is beautiful, but also because it reminds me of the grace that is available to me daily.  And it reminds me to give myself grace and to freely give grace to others.  I fall short in that department often.  I could go on and on about what the cross means to me and how it has made my life.  But I will just say this, there is no greater YES in my life than saying yes to Jesus.  It is not about religion, it is not about guilt or shame.  It is about love, and resurrection, and healing."

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