Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I've Got the [Man] Flu

The Urgent Care PA says "good luck" every time I leave.  I feel like what he's really saying is, "Good luck. ...Don't die."

Well, I know I won't die suddenly because of whatever I'm currently fighting but maybe it is speeding up the process...!  I am pretty miserable with a nasty cough, super runny nose, congested everywhere, incessant headache, mild chest pain, ect.  I've gone to urgent care more in the past month then, oh, ever and I'm taking more medicine now than I ever have in my life!

I feel as though I don't complain too much about being sick or not feeling well.  I have my examples.  Though, I would like some sympathy every once in awhile.  And complaining and wanting sympathy have definitely been happening lately!  Those are just the facts.

I have been battling sinus infection after sinus infection and now whatever probable virus that's been passed along to me.  The days have been long and pain-filled on many levels, to say the least.  The unrecognizable voice that's coming out of my mouth is weird and the utterly fuzzy thoughts and speech are highly annoying.  Producing mucus the size of a quarter or dime in the mornings and having a chest pain I've never experienced in my life are astonishing.  I don't remember the last time I've had so many tickles in my throat making me cough or the last time I've consumed such an enormous amount of cough drops.  

The thought just occurred to me that I'm basically one step away from being in my patient's shoes.  Or I am in some of their shoes, just I choose not to go to the hospital for what plagues me, ha!

And yet, the show must go on!  I still have to dress myself, go to bed early, clean my apartment, cook meals for myself (and sometimes the boy gets them too), wake up and go to work, and so on.  Yeah, my boss still accepts me to do my job, my guy still expects me to do stuff for him, and I still expect myself to do things.  Weird.  The world should stop and I should be in my bed.  Duh. 

However, my guy tries to be  nice and do some things for me (pay back for when he was sick, ha!) and I've definitely been better about foregoing things and getting rest.  

There's no real moral to this story.  If you can think of one, lemme know.  

Hmm, maybe it is just avoid getting sick. :P  

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