It happens to us all. The awkward goodbye. I'm cringing now.
Most seem to happen in a potential romantic scene but some don't. Eeps! Thankfully, I haven't encountered such awkwardness in a good while, and, surely, most of it is in my head. Yes, I will keep believing that. I mean...
I either think of a zillion things to say but nothing comes out or think of absolutely nothing to say and then most definitely nothing comes out
I say something okay (and halfway normal) in the moment but then think of something later and wish I had thought of it sooner or wish that I could have thought of something well beforehand to write down and give the person
I have that super awkward moment when I don't want to have another date or want to get out of the one I'm in or, worse, the tables are turned and I'm the one making things awkward
Cases in point:
Guy: Well, at least give me a hug!
Me: *get as small as possible and as far away as possible, basically shoulder tapping him* Bye! (forever)
Guy: See ya later!
Me: *internal dialouge: Should I just say see ya later, too? Or say, see ya in a few days... weeks...? Wait, when will I see him again?* Okay!!
Guy: Uh, I gotta go...
Me: Have you ever been to England?? I studied abroad there and loved it! It was so much fun! Met a lot of people, saw a lot of sites, blah, blah, blah...
Guy: Uh, I gotta go.
Guy: I had a really great time. We should do this again.
Me: Yeah! *Oh, man. I should have said, "yeah, let's go out again" or at something more than just "yeah"!! Wow. Fail.*
Guy: It was good talking to you!
Me: Yeah, I'll probably talk to you again in a few months! Have a good life!
Those all actually happened. Yeah, I know...
Sometimes I'm just in a mood and try to be funny, but it doesn't always work out so hot. Sometimes I feel like I'm just awkward. Let's be real.
I typically do better when there's no pressure, when I have no idea if the guy likes me (or if I really like him for that matter!), if I know nothing romantic is going to happen, or if I'm in a group. I do much better with girlfriends or good guy friends, usually because they know me and usually because I know I will actually see them again.
I have to say more SD goodbyes tomorrow (yes, more like "see ya later" but still). Surely they won't be so terrible. It's not like it's a break-up or bad first date or anything! It will be bittersweet, for sure. ...Hate to go but looking forward to being home for an extended period of time kinda thing.
Besides, I've already written out a little something for everyone :)
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