My favorite coworker from Iowa invited me out last night to her oldest son's high school basketball game. At first, she was debated on inviting me, but I am so glad she did and that I went! First, it was like nostalgia city! Memories of playing basketball when I was in high school, the practices, my coaches, and shooting around with my brothers and Dad at home all came flooding back :) Secondly, it made it more apparent that I am very thankful for people like her, who let me into their lives despite knowing that I likely won't be there very long.
I think that some people, upon realizing that I will only be in the city for three months, kind of shut me out to various degrees. I understand, yet I think it is a shame.
Don't read that I think I'm the most awesome person to ever come into contact with but, rather, that you have no idea the impact someone could have on you or you them! The relationship might be a one time good deal, for a short time, for an extended period of time, or for life.
Seriously though, I have many one time encounters that have stuck in my mind for years, while there are some people I have known for years and hardly think of or rarely replay conversations or get the warm fuzzies of a great experience together. I think that's just life but you get my point.
I think of the time I was in Oslo and was wishing that I had someone to travel with when, lo and behold, a girl came into the hostel right behind me. We hit it off and spent an awesome day together!
I think of the time that I spoke to the guy next to me on the plane. I learned about interest rates and politics and what an interesting life he lives. He told me no one's ever spoken to him on the plane and he flies a lot; I was pretty unique in his eyes and he in mine.
I think of my friend whom I met in Israel. We had such good conversations then and, four years later, we met up again in Boston no less and again enjoyed each other's good company.
I think of my new friend, who I met here in Iowa at the gym. We've had some good conversations and he let me word vomit on him about my apartment situation and job. In the end, he said I needed to make some decisions and he was right, so that night I did.
I think of my older friend whom I wouldn't have gotten to know if I had given in and quit playing soccer one season. He has also given me food for thought and challenged me in ways he surely will never know. (I also think this example is good at showing that, even though you might not be in a particular situation or place that you want to be, there is still good that can come from it.)
The examples like that could go on. I have no idea if I'll see those people again or be super close with them but I'm most definitely glad I met them. I mean, you just never know! I wasn't sure I'd see my Israel friend again but we did and I'm sure we'll see each other again in the future.
Things, like meeting people, happen for a reason in my book. Maybe it is just that one encounter but, at that time, they say something that sticks in your mind or challenges you or lifts you up. Maybe you simply needed that good conversation or that friendly smile or that piece of advice or that different perspective.
I've definitely needed and struggled with needing someone to do something with. I've better learned to be okay with being alone but also asking someone to join me in what I'm doing or wanting to do. They can be super cool and join or they can be super lame and not. ;) I will still enjoy the activity, for sure :)
This travel thing and those who've shown an interest in me have challenged me to be more aware and reach out to those who might be new to the area or new to the class or new to the church service, or whatever. I'll definitely take that away with me.
So, while I might be unique right now by only staying in a place for three months at a time, the people like my coworker and swim class friends are such a blessing, and I will always remember them. I will see them again.
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