Monday, December 5, 2016

Those Three Little Words

Joe Fox: What happened with that guy at the café?
Kathleen Kelly: Nothing. 
Joe: But you're crazy about him. 
Kathleen: Yes, I am.
Joe: Well, why don't you run off with him? What are you waiting for?
Kathleen: I don't actually know him. (cringe)
Joe: Really?
Kathleen: I only know him through the, uh… You're not going to believe this…
Joe: Oh, let me guess. Through the Internet?
Kathleen: Yes. 
Joe: Hmm. You've... got mail. 
Kathleen: Yes! 
Joe: some very powerful words.
Kathleen: Yes...

Don't you just love that movie?! Classic.  And so good. 

I like email, don't get me wrong.  But I like snail mail even more!  I like to think people like things just as much as me, so I like to send things or give things as if getting mail.  So fun!  Oh, if you don't like getting snail mail, that's weird and you should stop reading this post.

I think of that movie ever so often when I actually do get snail mail, and it happened today!  I got mail!!  Woohoo!  Now maybe I won't  unconsciously check the mailbox in the morning as if mail just magically appeared overnight... cause that's happened. 

Now I have things to put around my dull place to think of the people whom I enjoy and love :) so thanks to those who've sent or given me stuff while I'm away!

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